Looking for study participants
Study on a gaze-independent visual brain-computer interface for communication

We are investigating a novel method for a gaze-independent visual brain-computer interface (BCI) for communication, which could potentially be used by users who cannot communicate anymore, for instance ALS patients. For this project, we are recruiting healthy participants aged 18-35 years.
Details about the experiment can be found here. Participants will be reimbursed with 30 euros or 2 participants hours (e.g., for RU Psychology students).
General information about (EEG) research at the Donders Centre for Cognition can be found here and here.
If you are interested in participation in this study, please sign-up via Sona, which you can do here. Our study is called “[DCC] EEG: Unlocking Minds: A Brain-Computer Interface for Communication | 30 euro / 2 ppu”.