Two Open PhD Positions

European Doctoral Network for Neural Prostheses and Brain Research

We are looking for two highly skilled PhD candidates to set up closed-loop brain-computer interface (stimulus) protocols with the human user in the loop, and to evaluate brain signals and the task performance of users. These positions need to be filled as soon as possible. Both these positions are part of the European Doctoral Network for Neural Prostheses and Brain Research (DONUT). More details about DONUT can be found here.

The one position is about ‘Closed-Loop Stimulus Optimisation: Combining Scene-Based Stimulation with Visual BCI’ and studies the individualisation of both stimulus characteristics and machine learning methods for the BCI. More details about this job description can be found here.

The other position is about the ‘Role of User Feedback and Introspection Mechanisms in the Context of Neurotechnological Systems’ and investigates how healthy users and/or patients can be supported in the longitudinal learning of a BCI skill. More details about this job description can be found here

Both positions are open for applications until March. 3, 2024.

Michael Tangermann
Michael Tangermann
Head of the Lab, Associate Professor, PI