Data-Driven NeuroTechnology lab
Data-Driven NeuroTechnology lab
Research projects
Thesis, internships
David Hübner
BCI-supported language rehabilitation
Aphasia recovery by language training using a brain--computer interface: A proof-of-concept study
Online Optimization of Stimulation Speed in an Auditory Brain-Computer Interface under Time Constraints
Unsupervised Learning in a BCI Chess Application Using Label Proportions and Expectation-Maximization
Rethinking BCI paradigm and machine learning algorithm as a symbiosis: zero calibration, guaranteed convergence and high decoding performance
Two Player Online Brain-Controlled Chess
Eyes-Closed Increases the Usability of Brain-Computer Interfaces Based on Auditory Event-Related Potentials
2-D-25 BCI-based language training induces changes in ERP responses in chronic post-stroke aphasia patients
2-D-27 Closed-loop stimulus parameter optimization framework for event-related potential paradigms
Unsupervised Learning for Brain-Computer Interfaces Based on Event-Related Potentials: Review and Online Comparison [Research Frontier]
Unsupervised learning for brain–computer interfaces based on event-related potentials
Improving zero-training brain-computer interfaces by mixing model estimators
Challenging the assumption that auditory event-related potentials are independent and identically distributed
Improving learning from label proportions by reducing the feature dimensionality
Learning from Label Proportions in BCI -- a Symbiotic Design for Stimulus Preservation and Signal Decoding
Learning from label proportions in brain-computer interfaces: online unsupervised learning with guarantees
Learning from Label Proportions in Brain-Computer Interfaces: Online Unsupervised Learning with Guarantees
Mixing two unsupervised estimators for event-related potential decoding: An online evaluation
A novel BCI based rehabilitation approach for aphasia rehabilitation